Back in December I uncovered an article by Christer Kaitilia about his challenge of writing and producing 12 games in 12 months in 2012.
I found the article to be very motivational and a great idea. I watched with interest as his idea evolved into a challenge to indie devs to follow suit in 2013 and from which was born.
From previous blog entries you will have seen my angst at not producing any new games since the launch of Astavoid in April 2012 for iOS and Android. I thought this was a perfect way to refine my design skills by making something that could be produced from start to finish in a month to keep my ambition in check. The way I thought I could bolster my utility belt of expertise and knowledge was to design games in a way that each one although different added new features and concepts.
This also coincided with my porting of Astavoid from Corona SDK to Unity which I had written a diary on of part one and part two. I can now finalise part three given that I have delivered on the project.
What I liked about this whole approach is that I started off too big and was getting demotivated by the challenges I was facing. So I started off with a cross platform port of Astavoid and in the end resulted in just a port to be played in a web browser. But thats the point right, redesign but ensure you finish a game?!? No point spend no time and not finishing it.
So my January game is Astavoid ported from Corona SDK and Lua to Unity and C#. This has meant I have learnt the challenges around physics, atlases, refactored all the code, increased frames per second from 30 to 60 as well as have a template for February's game.
Why not check out Astavoid now as its free to play via a web browser here and as a means of comparison you can still download the original Corona / Lua version on iOS and Android.
I also encourage you to sign up for one game a month as I have found now in my second year of game development that this really focuses the mind.
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